Garis pencarian Ranni sang Penyihir
- Kunjungi Ranni di Ranni's Rise
- Kalahkan Starscourge Radahn
- Temukan Pedang Pembunuh Jari di Nokron
- Kalahkan Bayangan Menyedihkan di Sungai Ainsel
- Buka kunci peti di dekat Rennala
- Berjuang melewati Danau Busuk
- Berikan Ranni Cincin Bulan Gelap

Ranni sang Penyihir pertama kali dapat ditemui didi awal permainan setelah pemain melakukannya, the spectral steed. Pergi ke Gereja Elleh diDan. Dia akan muncul di dinding gereja.
Saat ditanya, katakan padanya bahwa kamu memang bisa memanggil kuda spektral. Ini akan menghadiahi Anda dengan Spirit Calling Bell, memungkinkan Anda memanggil Spirit Ashes.
Kebangkitan Ranni

Kebangkitan RanniCaria Manor
In the event you have not defeated Starscourge Radahn, that will be your next step in Ranni's questline. You can either trot on down to Caelid and participate in the Radahn Festival at Redmane Castle or follow a more roundabout way by talking to a few NPCs. Berikut rangkaian langkah NPC:

- Sungai Siofra

Nokron, Kota Abadi

. Work your way down the hole in the ground to access Nokron, Eternal City. This underground city is where you can unlock the. The item you need for Ranni's questline is thePedang Pembunuh Jari. Find this item beneath the dead giant that's sitting in a chair.

Patung Carian Terbalik. This will finally allow you to ascend the Carian Study Hall to reach the Divine Tower of Liurnia.
Ruang Belajar Carian

Sungai Ainsel

Kebangkitan Renna. This is the tower to the north of Ranni's Rise. Go to the top and use the portal there to be transported to Ainsel River.

Kunci Istana yang Dibuang. Enter through the door to the southwest of the small area and ride the elevator down to reach the Lake of Rot. Activate the Lake of Rot Shoreside Site of Grace as you will come back here in just a moment.

Danau Busuk

Carefully drop down the ledges and either fight or run past the pests. It's best to avoid them, as most of them will simply ignore you. Ikuti jalan memutar ke kiri untuk menemukan peti mati tertatih-tatih di tepi air terjun. Interact with the coffin to be transported to a boss fight against Astel, Naturalborn of the Void. This is one fight where you should seriously consider using the.
Altar Cahaya Bulan

With that, Ranni the Witch's questline will be completed in Elden Ring. You will now be able to unlock the Age of the Stars ending, one of the many endings in the game. This is an extremely long and in-depth quest, but one that's worth doing for the Dark Moon Greatsword and the ending. Pastikan untuk memeriksa ShacknewsPanduan strategi Elden Ring
Berasal dari bumi bawah, Sam Chandler membawa sedikit bakat belahan bumi selatan ke dalam karyanya. Setelah menjelajahi beberapa universitas, mendapatkan gelar sarjana, dan memasuki industri video game, dia menemukan keluarga barunya di sini di Shacknews sebagai Kepala Pemandu. Tidak ada yang lebih dia sukai selain menyusun panduan yang akan membantu seseorang. Jika Anda memerlukan bantuan dengan pemandu, atau melihat ada sesuatu yang tidak beres, Anda dapat mengirim pesan kepadanya di X:@SamuelChandler