Beberapa remaster HD cukup malas, hanya mengambil kode lama dan mengunggahnya dalam 720p. Namun, Guerrilla Games berupaya lebih keras untuk merilis Killzone HD mendatang.
Beberapa remaster HD cukup malas, hanya mengambil kode lama dan mengunggahnya dalam 720p. Guerrilla Games is putting a bit more effort into the upcoming release of, Namun. Not only is the game getting a bump in resolution, but there are quite a number of tweaks being added in an effort to make the game better.
PlayStation.Blog. "Textures, for instance, were originally designed at twice the required size and then downscaled to fit into PlayStation 2 memory. For PlayStation 3 that's no longer a concern, so the game uses the full-sized textures."
Andrew Yoon sebelumnya adalah jurnalis game yang membuat konten di Shacknews.