because you and I know that if they cause another DX title to suck, there will be blood in the streets. ;)
I was hoping somebody would ref this.哈哈哈
??? All of the hands-on reports that I've seen say that its NOT vastly different from the original. In fact, it's supposed to be very much like Deus Ex 1 in minute-to-minute gameplay. The biggest difference is the occasional switch to 3rd person perspective and a cover system. Free-form exploration, conversations with non-hostile characters, multiple routes through levels, full inventory and upgrade system, and of course non-linear story are all still in full effect. Not sure where you're getting this "vastly different in comparison" thing...
无论如何,我认为第一部杀出重围的最大吸引力在于它在当时是多么新颖。 Nowadays it's not like exploration, conversations, multiple routes and inventories are super special (granted how these things are implemented makes a huge difference). Although a non-linear story is. I just don't know how engaging Deus Ex 3 will really be (arguably because Warren Spector and Harvey Smith aren't involved) and hype doesn't seem to be as huge as I'd expect it to be.
确切地。 PenicillinX57, you've had some dumb posts recently.