专访:Wadjet Eye 首席执行官 Dave Gilbert

Wadjet Eye Games 首席执行官戴夫·吉尔伯特 (Dave Gilbert) 讨论了开发和发行独立冒险游戏《Gemini Rue》的考验和磨难,以及该类型的未来。



: It started off as kind of a way to avoid getting a 'real' job.我不是在开玩笑。 I had been teaching English in for about seven or eight months. I had done some travelling, and I came home – I had rented out my apartment before I left, and when I came back it was still being rented out – so I wasn't able to go back to my apartment. So I was living with my parents, who are retired. There's nothing worse than living with your parents when they're both retired and you don't have a job.

So, I took my laptop to a cafe every day, and I wrote The Shivah.只是为了好玩。 Just for something to do. I just did not feel like getting a job right away, because I'd just gotten home.

我花了一个月的时间写下了这篇文章。我真的非常喜欢从事这方面的工作。 And then I thought, "Well, y'know, I've got money saved. It's kind of now or never." If I was ever going to do this, this would be the time. And so, I sold it. I decided to sell that game to see if it would gain any traction.确实如此——一点点。 And I thought, "Alright. Now I'll write another game with the express purpose of selling it."因此,我编写了第一个布莱克威尔博弈。 [The process of making games] was almost like putting off the inevitable, but five years later, I'm still doing it.
