Pro Cycling Manager 2023 回顾 – 后台踩踏板

Pro Cycling Manager 2023 是一款同伴管理游戏, the simulation-versed sibling of the pair. Cyanide 最近发布的游戏是另一款深入的游戏,展示了自行车生涯幕后的残酷,所有重大决定都在自行车之外,掌握在您的手中,即使您也有办法影响骑手在自行车比赛中的表现比赛。 《Pro Cycling Manager 2023》每年连续发布一次,并拥有庞大的车手和赛道数据库,是否会对前一版本进行重大更改?


每个自行车爱好者都知道找到一款能够忠实地诠释骑行体验的游戏是多么困难,但 Cyanide 多年来已经证明了它对这项运动的尊重,不遗余力地提供了深刻且引人入胜的郊游,无论是模拟还是管理类别。 《Pro Cycling Manager 2023》再次由大量车队和赛段提供支持,为最忠实的车迷带来数百小时的游戏时间。


当你走上赛道时,有一些有趣的动作会在关键时刻影响你的骑手。 You shouldn't expect to watch every race unfold at normal speed, as the big choices come in specific moments that every fan will know how to identify. You can order your riders to attack, maintain position, manage their overall effort, request one to serve as wind protection for a more skilled teammate, or task the weaker riders with the ungrateful job of fetching water bottles for the rest of the team.当时机到来时,冲刺进攻对于获得这些分数并确保榜首位置至关重要。

The improved Pro Cyclist mode is about creating a rookie rider who will be your persona throughout the game, shooting for glory, but also worrying about training schedules and growing your experience points by reaching objectives established by your manager.你首先要选择你的国籍,这会影响你掌握的球队名单,然后如果你想在赛季后期续约,你必须按照预期表现。有趣的是,您会从经理那里收到这些提示,您可以在其中选择回复,这会影响您的一些统计数据,就像一个简短的以自行车为主题的小测验一样。在比赛过程中,您会被赋予一些目标,例如在几公里内处于小组领先位置,并在最后获得对您努力的评估。

Pro Cycling Manager 2023 的问题在于,它与之前的游戏感觉并没有太大不同。 The exact same was said about Tour de France 2023, and again it rings true here, feeling like a solid, interesting, and deep game for enthusiasts that are just about discovering the series.

Otherwise, the improvements to energy management and artificial intelligence may seem negligible or hard to pinpoint, the athletes all look the same apart from their equipment, and there are visible bugs during the race, such as riders sliding through each other as the game suddenly realized他们应该找到另一条路线,而不用担心冲突或逻辑。

《职业自行车经理 2023》可以被描述为一款两极分化的游戏。 Examined in isolation, it stands out as a convincing management game, with all the content and options that you could hope for, even if some bugs rear their ugly heads and the outdated graphics may seem rough. However, considering the lack of innovation, it's hard to see it as the evolution that would make fans jump at the opportunity of getting into this coveted manager role.


  • 赛前和赛中的有趣机制


  • 没有重大创新

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