
Not only did Arkham Asylum serve as an excellent primer course for those who weren't familiar with the series' iconic heroes and villains, it was also just a downright fun game to play.该游戏独特的“自由流动”战斗系统和专注于潜行的掠食者遭遇战,加上对蝙蝠侠“侦探视觉”和其他小工具的良好使用,与其精彩的故事和环境谜题的使用完美融合。 While the main narrative pitted Batman against his archnemesis The Joker, several other villains, including Bane, Scarecrow, Killer Croc, and Poison Ivy, were woven into the story as well. Even better, unlockable character profiles allowed players to discover interesting lore elements about Batman, the villains he faced, and also several other characters, whose influence could be felt in Arkham Asylum's creepy, claustrophobic halls.

Interestingly enough, Rocksteady also left some minor story threads in Arkham City unresolved and even inserted a few cleverly-hidden easter eggs, all of which pointed to the existence of an eventual sequel.当玩家最终发现托马斯·埃利奥特(又名“嘘”)一直在谋杀无辜者并偷走他们的部分脸来制作布鲁斯·韦恩马克杯的可怕复制品时,他成功逃脱了蝙蝠侠的審判。 When the enigmatic “Watcher in the Wings” sidequest was finally complete, Azreal showed up briefly to offer a cryptic warning to the Dark Knight about the “end of days.” What did it all mean? Unfortunately, the next game in the series wouldn't resolve any of those mysteries and instead journeyed back into the Caped Crusader's early years.



敬上)。 Rocksteady has assured fans that he is a brand new, completely original character but I have a strong hunch that such claims are just smoke and mirrors meant to distract fans from whatever grand scheme Rocksteady is cooking up. As I mentioned in my own speculation piece, my money is still on Jason Todd being the man behind Arkham Knight's mask and the recent announcement of an exclusive pre-order DLC add-on featuring a playable version of the Red Hood (another of Jason Todd's aliases) only helps to support my theory.