PSN Store Sale for the Week adalah "PlayStation Picks Sale," lihat daftar lengkapnya

Ini hari Selasa, dan itu berarti, ada penjualan toko PSN lain dari Sony! Penjualan minggu ini dinamai "PlayStation Picks Sale," dengan banyak pilihan untuk dipilih.

Terima kasih sekali lagi kepada pengguna redditWeebae, lihat daftar lengkap game diskon di bawah ini, bersama dengan tautan yang mengarah ke versi browser PlayStation Store.

PermainanHarga% MatiPS+% Mati
101 Cara Mati$ 4,9950%$ 3,9960%
Ace Banana$ 7,4950%$ 5,9960%
Usaha Adam: Asal$ 3,7475%$ 1,4990%
ADK Damashii$ 7,4950%$ 5,9960%
Aer - Kenangan lama$ 7,4950%$ 5,9960%
Jousts alkimia$ 4,4950%$ 3,5960%
Pistol Alekhine$ 11,9960%$ 7,4975%
Amnesia: Koleksi$ 14,9950%$ 11,9960%
Malaikat Agung$ 20,9930%$ 11,9960%
Armagallant: Deck of Destiny$ 7,9960%$ 4,9975%
Emas Bard$ 1,7465%$ 1,2475%
Medan perang 1$ 11,9970%$ 5,1987%
Battlefield 1 & Titanfall 2 Ultimate Bundle$ 26,3967%$ 19,9975%
Revolusi Battlefield 1$ 19,7967%$ 10,1983%
Bundel Peringatan Peringatan Battlefield$ 49,9950%$ 39,9960%
Balap kereta pantai$ 4,9950%$ 3,9960%
Bedlam: Game oleh Christopher Brookmyre$ 4,9950%$ 3,9960%
BioShock: Koleksi$ 25,7957%$ 19,7967%
Blackwood Crossing$ 11,1930%$ 9,5940%
Bleed 2$ 7,4950%$ 5,9960%
Baut mendidih$ 5,9950%$ 4,7960%
Borderlands: Koleksi yang tampan$ 25,7957%$ 19,7967%
Terikat oleh api$ 9,9950%$ 4,9975%
Bocah bohlam$ 5,3940%$ 4,4950%
Burnout Paradise Remastered$ 17,9940%$ 14,9950%
Cartoon Network: Battle Crashers$ 11,9940%$ 9,9950%
Kerusakan catlateral$ 4,9950%$ 3,9960%
Cel Damage HD (PS3)$ 3,4965%$ 2,4975%
Cel Damage HD (PS4)$ 3,4965%$ 2,4975%
Kekacauan di Deponia$ 9,9950%$ 7,9960%
Claire: Cut diperpanjang$ 5,9960%$ 3,7475%
Ruang bawah tanah necrodancer$ 4,4970%$ 2,9980%
Deadcore$ 3,9950%$ 3,1960%
Rusa pemburu: Muat ulang$ 11,9940%$ 9,9950%
Simulator rusa$ 5,9940%$ 4,9950%
TPA$ 9,9950%$ 7,9960%
Detroit: Menjadi manusia$ 39,5934%$ 35,9940%
Detroit: Menjadi Edisi Deluxe Digital Manusia$ 46,1934%$ 41,9940%
Deus Ex: Manusia terbagi$ 8,9970%$ 5,9980%
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Digital Deluxe Edition$ 13,4970%$ 8,9980%
Diablo III: Koleksi Abadi$ 35,9940%$ 29,9950%
Diablo III: Bangkitnya Necromancer$ 10,4930%$ 8,9940%
Kotoran 4$ 38,3936%$ 16,7972%
Reli kotoran$ 23,9940%$ 7,9980%
Dirt Rally PlayStation VR Upgrade DLC Add-on$ 9,0930%$ 5,1960%
Dirt Rally Plus PlayStation VR Bundle$ 29,9940%$ 9,9980%
Divinity: Original Sin - Enhanced Edition$ 13,9965%$ 9,9975%
Trilogi Lair Dragon$ 11,9940%$ 9,9950%
Sekarat: Reborn$ 9,9950%$ 7,9960%
Sekarat: PSVR Reborn$ 4,9950%$ 3,9960%
Sekarat: Bundel Ultimate Reborn$ 12,4950%$ 9,9960%
EA Sports UFC 3$ 23,9960%
EA Sports UFC 3 Deluxe Edition$ 31,9960%
Penerbangan Eagle$ 11,9940%$ 9,9950%
Earthlock$ 20,9930%$ 17,9940%
Ruang akhir$ 9,9950%$ 7,9960%
Eve: Valkyrie - Warzone$ 14,9950%$ 11,9960%
F1 2017$ 38,3936%$ 16,7972%
Far Cry 5 Edisi Emas$ 62,9930%$ 53,9940%
Paksa: Edisi Sedikit Lebih Baik$ 7,4950%$ 5,9960%
Forgotton Anne$ 15,9920%$ 14,9925%
Fantasi empat sisi$ 3,9960%$ 2,9970%
Embun beku$ 9,0930%$ 7,7940%
Galak-Z$ 6,5967%$ 4,9975%
Kerikil$ 19,9960%$ 14,9970%
Edisi Khusus Kerikil$ 27,9960%$ 20,9970%
Gear bersalah xrd -revelator-$ 9,9950%$ 7,9960%
Pahlawan yang sudah ada$ 7,9960%$ 5,9970%
Hasbro Family Fun Pack - Conquest Edition$ 19,9950%$ 15,9960%
Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Future Tone Bundle$ 37,7930%$ 32,3940%
Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Future Tone Nada Berwarna -warni$ 20,9930%$ 17,9940%
Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Future Tone Extra Encore Pack$ 5,5930%$ 4,7940%
Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Future Tone Future Sound$ 20,9930%$ 17,9940%
Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Future Tone Season Pass$ 17,4930%$ 14,9940%
Hatsune Miku: VR Future Live Season Pass$ 23,9940%$ 19,9950%
PermainanHarga% MatiPS+% Mati
Legenda Naga Tersembunyi$ 9,9950%$ 7,9960%
Kehormatan dan Tugas: Edisi Arcade$ 3,4950%$ 2,7960%
Warna$ 5,9960%$ 4,4970%
Manusia: Jatuh datar$ 7,4950%$ 5,9960%
Manusia: Fall Flat - Total Bob Bundle$ 7,4950%$ 5,9960%
Dunia Hiu Lapar$ 8,9910%$ 7,9920%
Warisan Hunter$ 3,4950%$ 2,7960%
Bundel Indie: Shiness and Seasons After Fall$ 19,9950%$ 15,9960%
Infinifactory$ 14,9940%$ 12,4950%
Udara tak terbatas dengan Mark McMorris$ 11,9960%$ 7,4975%
Jotun: Edisi Valhalla$ 7,4950%$ 4,9467%
Just Cause 3$ 8,9970%$ 5,9980%
Just Cause 3: Air, Land & Sea Expansion Pass$ 5,9960%$ 4,4970%
Just Cause 3: Bavarium Sea Heist$ 2,3960%$ 1,7970%
Just Cause 3: Mech Land Serangan$ 4,7960%$ 3,5970%
-Klaus-$ 7,9960%$ 4,9975%
Just Cause 3 XL Edition$ 13,4970%$ 8,9980%
Just Cause 3: Sky Fortress$ 4,7960%$ 3,5970%
Udge$ 7,4950%$ 5,2465%
The Pilars of the Earth Ken Follett$ 19,9950%$ 15,9960%
Killallzombies$ 8,3940%$ 6,9950%
KOI: Bundel Tema Game dan Eksklusif$ 4,9950%$ 3,9960%
Lichdom: Battlemage$ 10,4965%$ 7,4975%
Hidup itu musim lengkap yang aneh$ 5,9970%$ 3,9980%
Life is Strange: sebelum badai musim selesai$ 8,4950%$ 6,7960%
Life Is Strange: Sebelum Edisi Deluxe Storm$ 12,4950%$ 9,9960%
Planet Tanpa Liar: Edisi Premier$ 9,9950%$ 6,9965%
Pelacak cahaya$ 7,4950%$ 5,9960%
Linelight$ 4,9950%$ 3,9960%
Freeviia II III$ 17,9955%$ 13,9965%
Edisi Deluxe Mafia III$ 26,9955%$ 20,9965%
JAGUNG$ 6,9965%$ 4,9975%
Pemburuan orang$ 10,4930%$ 8,9940%
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Deluxe Edition$ 29,9950%$ 23,9960%
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Edisi Standar$ 19,9950%$ 15,9960%
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite Character Pass$ 14,9950%$ 11,9960%
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite Premium Costume Pass$ 14,9950%$ 11,9960%
Max Payne$ 10,4930%$ 8,9940%
McDroid$ 3,1960%$ 1,9975%
Mega Man Legacy Collection 1 & 2 Combo Pack$ 17,9940%$ 14,9950%
Mega Man Legacy Collection 2$ 13,9930%$ 11,9940%
Koleksi Legacy Mega Man$ 7,4950%$ 5,9960%
Seri Dunia Mesin Mikro$ 19,1936%$ 8,3972%
Monster Energy Supercross - Edisi Khusus$ 34,9950%$ 27,9960%
Monster Energy Supercross - Videogame resmi$ 29,9950%$ 23,9960%
Monster Slayers$ 8,9940%$ 7,4950%
Mordheim: City of the Damned$ 19,9950%$ 9,9975%
Nero: Tidak ada yang tetap tidak jelas$ 4,4970%$ 2,9980%
Perlu Kecepatan$ 6,5967%$ 4,9975%
Need for Speed ​​Deluxe Edition$ 8,2467%$ 6,2475%
Perlu Payback Kecepatan$ 19,9950%$ 15,9960%
KEBUTUHAN KEBUTUHAN KECEPATAN - Deluxe Edition$ 35,9940%$ 29,9950%
Perlu saingan cepat$ 6,5967%$ 4,9975%
Oasis Games Horror VR Bundle$ 9,9950%$ 7,9960%
Oasis Games Shooter VR Bundle$ 12,4950%$ 9,9960%
Obduksi$ 20,9930%$ 17,9940%
Segi delapan$ 9,7425%$ 9,0930%
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir$ 29,9950%$ 23,9960%
Onrush Digital Deluxe Edition$ 59,9920%$ 44,9940%
Onrush Standard Digital Edition$ 47,9920%$ 35,9940%
Outlast 2$ 11,9960%$ 8,9970%
Outlast: Bundel teror$ 10,1465%$ 7,2475%
Matang$ 8,4950%$ 5,7766%
Overlord: Fellowship of Evil$ 15,0336%$ 6,5772%
Owlboy$ 17,4930%$ 14,9940%
Leafpupu$ 7,1940%$ 5,9950%
Pilar Keabadian: Edisi Lengkap$ 24,9950%$ 19,9960%
Perlengkapan piksel$ 5,4950%$ 4,3960%
QUBE: Pemotongan Direktur$ 3,9960%Bebas100%
Quiplash$ 4,9950%$ 3,9960%
Radial-G: Balap berputar$ 8,9940%$ 7,4950%
Rapala Fishing: Seri Pro$ 11,9940%$ 9,9950%
Pertanian nyata$ 15,9960%$ 9,5976%
REDED RED RED RED$ 10,4930%$ 8,9940%
PermainanHarga% MatiPS+% Mati
Reus$ 5,9960%$ 4,4970%
Lamunan$ 9,0930%$ 7,7940%
Bundel GP Riptide$ 6,4950%$ 5,1960%
Riptide GP: Renegade$ 4,9950%$ 3,9960%
Riptide GP2$ 3,4950%$ 2,7960%
Kemarahan Jalan$ 10,4965%$ 7,4975%
Rockstar Games PS2 Classics Bundle$ 41,9944%$ 34,4954%
Ace nakal$ 7,7940%$ 6,4950%
Legenda Rollercoaster$ 3,4930%$ 2,9940%
Musim setelah musim gugur$ 6,9965%$ 4,9975%
Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom$ 10,4965%$ 7,4975%
Mengkilap - petualangan robot$ 5,9960%$ 3,7475%
Kesunyian$ 14,9950%$ 10,4965%
Keju$ 4,9950%$ 3,9960%
Keju 2$ 7,4950%$ 5,9960%
Tengkorak Shogun$ 4,9950%$ 3,4965%
Skylar & Plux: Petualangan di Pulau Clover$ 5,9960%$ 4,4970%
Slender: Kedatangan$ 3,9960%$ 2,9970%
Soma$ 14,9950%$ 11,9960%
Song of the Deep$ 4,4970%$ 3,7475%
Sonic Forces Digital Standard Edition$ 27,9930%$ 23,9940%
South Park: Koleksi video game$ 47,9940%$ 39,9950%
Sparc$ 9,9950%$ 7,9960%
Penyemprot$ 10,4930%$ 8,9940%
Statik$ 9,9950%$ 7,9960%
Street Fighter v$ 11,9940%$ 9,9950%
Street Fighter V - Bundel Kostum Halloween 2016$ 5,9940%$ 4,9950%
Street Fighter V - Kostum Musiman & Bundel Panggung Musiman 2016$ 13,1940%$ 10,9950%
Street Fighter V - Bundel Kostum Musim Panas 2016$ 7,1940%$ 5,9950%
Street Fighter V - 2017 Capcom Pro Tour Pass$ 14,9940%$ 12,4950%
Street Fighter V -2016 Paket Liburan$ 5,9940%$ 4,9950%
Street Fighter V - Edisi Arcade$ 27,9930%$ 23,9940%
Street Fighter V - Arcade Edition Deluxe$ 48,9930%$ 41,9940%
Paket Street Fighter V - CPT Premier$ 14,9940%$ 12,4950%
Street Fighter V - Karakter Asli Battle Costume 1 Pack$ 11,9960%$ 8,9970%
Street Fighter V - Pass Karakter Musim 1$ 5,9940%$ 4,9950%
Street Fighter V - Pass Karakter Musim 2$ 11,9940%$ 9,9950%
Styx: Master of Shadows$ 14,9950%$ 7,4975%
Styx: Master of Shadows + Styx: Shards of Darkness$ 29,9950%$ 14,9975%
Styx: Shards of Darkness$ 24,9950%$ 12,4975%
Balap anak -anak super$ 2,4975%$ 0,9990%
Superhot$ 17,4930%$ 14,9940%
Superhot VR$ 19,9920%$ 17,4930%
Swapquest$ 1,9980%$ 0,9990%
PermainanHarga% MatiPS+% Mati
Tacoma$ 9,9950%$ 8,9955%
Tesla vs Lovecraft$ 8,2445%$ 6,7455%
Tertambat$ 9,9960%$ 6,2475%
Jembatan$ 4,9950%$ 2,3976%
The Escapists 2$ 13,9930%$ 11,9940%
Flame in the Flood: Edisi Lengkap$ 5,9960%$ 4,4970%
Jam yang tak terlihat$ 14,9950%$ 11,9960%
Paket pesta jackbox$ 14,9940%$ 12,4950%
The Magic Circle: Gold Edition$ 5,9970%$ 3,9980%
Jalan motus$ 11,9920%$ 11,2425%
Path of Motus Deluxe Edition$ 14,3920%$ 13,4925%
Proyek Solus$ 9,9950%$ 7,9960%
Warriors$ 10,4930%$ 8,9940%
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt$ 23,9940%$ 19,9950%
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Darah dan Anggur$ 11,9940%$ 9,9950%
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Edisi Lengkap$ 24,9950%$ 19,9960%
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Hearts of Stone$ 5,9940%$ 4,9950%
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Expansion Pass$ 14,9940%$ 12,4950%
Gebukan$ 9,9950%$ 7,9960%
Time Machine VR$ 20,9930%$ 17,9940%
Waktu mundur$ 5,5960%$ 4,1970%
Pabrik mainan Tina$ 1,4950%$ 1,1960%
Titanfall 2: Ultimate Edition$ 11,9970%$ 7,9980%
Toby: Rahasia Tambang$ 5,9960%$ 4,4970%
Tomb Raider: Edisi Definitif$ 8,9970%$ 5,9980%
Ditranskrip$ 5,5930%$ 4,7940%
Tumblestone$ 12,4950%$ 5,7477%
Tyr: Rantai Valhalla$ 6,5940%$ 5,4950%
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3$ 12,4950%$ 9,9960%
Ultrawings$ 14,9940%$ 12,4950%
Menggali Mars$ 10,4930%$ 8,9940%
Tidak mekanis: diperpanjang$ 3,9960%$ 2,9970%
Lembah$ 7,9960%$ 5,9970%
Paket Triple Unit Vektor$ 9,9950%$ 7,9960%
Verdun$ 6,9965%$ 4,9975%
Watch Dogs 1 + Watch Dogs 2 Bundel Edisi Emas$ 59,9940%$ 49,9950%
Watch Dogs 1 + Watch Dogs 2 Bundel Edisi Standar$ 37,0947%$ 30,0957%
Tonton Anjing 2$ 23,9960%$ 17,9970%
Watch Dogs 2 - Deluxe Edition$ 27,9960%$ 20,9970%
Tonton Anjing 2 - Edisi Emas$ 39,9960%$ 29,9970%
Kami adalah kurcaci$ 8,9940%$ 7,4950%
Boneka menangis$ 4,9950%$ 3,9960%
Manusia serigala dalam ™$ 8,5957%$ 6,5967%
Sisa -sisa Edith Finch$ 11,9940%$ 9,9950%
Whispering Willows (Game and Theme)$ 6,2450%$ 4,9960%
Pemburu kalkun liar$ 7,4950%$ 5,9960%
Cacing WMD$ 14,9950%$ 10,1966%
WWE 2K18$ 23,9960%$ 17,9970%
WWE 2K18 Digital Deluxe Edition$ 35,9960%$ 26,9970%
Yooka-Laylee$ 19,9950%$ 13,5966%

Bukan minggu penjualan yang buruk, bukan? Berbicara tentang penawaran luar biasa, jangan lupa untuk memeriksa iniTema dinamis Spider-Man GratisUntuk PS4!