Devolver Digital 在 Fall Guys 上抓住了机会,现在正在为发行商支付非常可观的股息。
2020 年 8 月 20 日
Tanton notes that Fall Guys was shopped around to at least ten different publishers before it ended up landing at a Devolver Digital, who agreed to fund the game following its lengthy circulation around others at GDC 2018. Once Devolver stepped in to assist, development began around六个月后。
布列塔尼 (Brittany) 是 Shacknews 的高级编辑,深受恐怖、彩虹糖像素热潮和电子游戏的推动,热衷于超现实主义和极端暴力。在 Twitter 上关注她@MolotovCupcake,并查看她的作品集以了解更多信息。就像一位出色的射手曾经说过的那样,保持兴奋!