彭博社。 “It's changed the way we watch television. It's changed the way we listen to music. It's changed the way I read books.”
。 With this shift has come larger hard drives to facilitate a transition to a new model and sports games could find a regular home there.除了球员和球队更新之外,大规模的、改变游戏规则的补丁当然是可能的,并且比要求玩家每年花60 美元偶尔在《Madden》、《FIFA》或任何其他体育游戏中进行基本更新更有意義。
小查爾斯·辛格特里 (Charles Singletary Jr) 作為新聞編輯,保持最新動態,在調查遊戲和技術領域最熱門話題的同時,報道新聞。他在 Twitter 上非常活躍,所以請隨時與他聯繫@The_CSJR。有熱門提示嗎?寄電子郵件給他:[email protected]。