以另一款 DRPG 為文化畫下句號,為 2024 年畫下句點。


, which up until now hasn't been a problem, while Sony was taking the much more aggressive “censorship” positions in recent years.同時,

狂野吧? Anyway, there are still some wacky, potentially off-putting sexual vibes that come up on occasion in Tokyo Clanpool, but it's ultimately much tamer than the last couple paragraphs may have indicated. The whole deal is like an edgier Sailor Moon made for teenagers, but not by much. And like I said before, the storytelling is fairly dull and mostly lives in the background, so there really isn't much happening. So we're not laughing at the gooners like Neptunia does, but we aren't being dishonest about it either. We exist instead in a strange between space, due to the problematic bits simply being severed off in a way that's almost reminiscent of

甚至。 Instead of being rough around the edges it's mostly just boring, with some interesting systems that are fun to think about and watch come together, but don't result in a spark that makes the gameplay fun. Luckily for the DRPG fans out there, 2024 has seen several alternatives that are much more worth their time.
盧卡斯玩很多電子遊戲。有時他很享受其中之一。他最喜歡的遊戲包括《勇者鬥惡龍》、《沙加》和《神秘迷宮》。他患有註意力不足過動症(ADHD),無法關心世界構建的傳說,但會在有關主題和人物的文章中迷失了好幾天。擁有新聞學學位,這使得有關牛津逗號的對話至少可以說很尷尬。不是一個戰利品獵人,但出於純粹的怨恨而獲得了白金 Sifu,並在《血色輪舞》中獲得了 100% 的勝利,因為它是規則。 You can find him on Twitter@北斗諾盧卡斯對史克威爾艾尼克斯的言論脾氣暴躁,偶爾也會對科樂美說一些正面的話。