Capcom 已发布《生化危机 4》灯光闪烁问题解决方法修复


对于那些在 PS5 上玩《生化危机 4》的玩家来说,现在玩家正面临着一个闪烁问题。 Capcom 已经意识到这个问题,并发布了《生化危机 4》闪烁的灯光解决方案,而实际的永久修复将通过补丁发布。

Resident Evil 4 灯光闪烁问题解决方法:


We have confirmed an issue where players may experience flickering lights at the bottom of the screen when playing the PS5 version of the game while certain settings are selected.

If you're experiencing this issue, please try saving and restarting your game. If the problem persists, try changing one of the following settings in the game's Options menu:

1. Set 'Depth of Field' in the Display tab to OFF.
2. Set 'Motion Blur' in the Camera tab to ON.

We intend to fix the issue in a future update and apologize for any inconvenience.


希望修复此问题的补丁能够在 4 月 7 日之前发布,届时雇佣兵 DLC 预定推出,很可能会进行调整和修复。

不要忘记查看我们的生化危机 4 最佳设置指南能够以最有效的方式玩游戏。


