卧龙:没落王朝角色创建指南 - 体型、面部特征等

这份《卧龙:堕落王朝》角色创建指南将介绍您在制作角色时可以使用的所有选项。 Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty shares a lot of similarities with traditional Soulsborne games, and this includes a highly customizable character creation menu. You're able to create all sorts of unique characters for your playthrough, and if you'd rather get right into the action, the presets are also equally great.




The face is a human's most unique and defining physical characteristic, and you can make all sorts of characters with the options available to you in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty.例如,“老化”选项可让您决定角色的外观年龄。您还可以对角色脸部的各个部分进行各种更改,包括眼睛、鼻子和嘴巴等地方。



虽然面部毛发选项乍一看似乎并不那么详细,但您可以使用一些设置。 You can change both your mustache and your beard hair, and you're also able to choose a color for facial hair that's separate from the rest of your hair.如果您想立即选择看起来足够好的东西,也可以使用一些预设。


“化妆”部分可让您以阴影、色调等形式为脸部添加复杂性。虽然有些人可能会完全跳过这一部分,但它确实可以产生影响,尤其是在过场动画中。 You can have elaborate makeup that stands out or more subtle makeup to give your face more structure and form. There are also face paint options for those who want a more exotic or aggressive look.



最后,您可以从适合两种体型的一组合适的声音中进行选择。声音将取决于您选择的身体类型,但您可以使用滑块选项更改任何声音的音高。 There's quite a bit of variety with the voice options, too, so alongside pitch modification, you should be able to find the grunts and screams that you're looking for.
